Info Brochure (Commercial) 2023

Opera�onal Flow PHASE 1 PHASE 2 PHASE 3 PHASE 4 PHASE 5 Once your job has been handed over to our opera�ons team, we shall then endeavour to deliver your clearance in as efficient, �mely manner with the use of our new bespoke scheduling system and CRM. One of our outstanding team leaders will be assigned to your job and they will ensure the en�re team arrives on site punctually and in branded uniform. Upon arriving to site, the team leader will need your help to walk them around to familiarise themselves with the site and give you an opportunity to point out any areas in need of special care. A Dynamic Risk Assessment will be carried out. Once the team leader has finished clearing up and packing away their tools, they will give you an update and will write a full site specific report. This includes before & a�er photos showing the clearance in real �me. Your report will be sent back to the office where our opera�ons team will review it and ensure everything is in order before sending it to you. The report will also be supplied in several convenient formats for your viewing. 0800 086 9864